COUNTRY 30: Czech Republic, Land of Stories 

Kdo hledá, najde.
“He who looks, finds.”- Czech Proverb


First, a disclaimer – we never explored all parts of the country, like  what we attempt  for other countries we explored , at the very least, two cities of the country. Our thirtieth (30th, baby!) was mainly spent enjoying the Renaissance, baroque and gothic architecture of its capital city, Prague.  No matter,  boy, did  we  get ourselves full  of stories, facts,  science and history in, arguably, the city with  the most tourists.
We explored the city of Prague, mainly by foot. Yes, our 10 itchy, wanderlust-y feet, plus the three-wheel stroller, which turned 5 years in the family. 
New Town or Old Town, all bridges crossing the River Vlatava, ornate castles , holy churches, monasteries and our family’s favorites, library and brewery! 

Czech Republic, Land of Stories , oh boy do we have lots of stories
Library, architecture, churches and food! All in one city – Czechia

The heart of Central Europe definitely left a mark in our hearts to come back. We want to know more about the Bohemian and other parts of the country. 


Hey-O! Completed 30% of our goals. You can be like our family, too! Whatever your families’ priorities are, just go for it

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